Sorteo: Gana 50€ en tejidos. Bases legales.
¡Descubre cómo participar en nuestro sorteo y consigue 50€ en tejidos para gastar en nuestra tienda! Sigue los pasos y prueba suerte. ¡Quizá seas tú el ganador!
This draw has been organized by FLAMENTEX, trademark of RAVIAL, S.A., a company with address at C / Ronda Boada Vell, 45, C.P. 08184 Palau-solità i Plegamans (Barcelona - Spain) in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions. The draw will take place on our Instagram.
El sorteo se publicará el día 13 de octubre del 2020 y podrás participar hasta las 23:59h del 15 de octubre del 2020
You can participate in our draw if you are over 18 years old, live in mainland Spain, Balearic Islands or Portugal and follow the following steps:
- Seguirnos en nuestro perfil @flamentex
- Hacerse una foto con nuestro nuevo filtro flamenca
- Poner el hashtag #vistetualmaflamenca
- Etiquetarnos y subir la historia a tu perfil. Si tienes el perfil privado envíanos un pantallazo por privado.
RAVIAL, S.A. staff, as well as their immediate family members, may not participate in the draw.
Participation in the promotion implies the express and unreserved acceptance of these rules, which can be accessed through the FLAMENTEX channels. All entries that do not meet the above requirements will be excluded from the draw.
The winner may waive the prize, but in no case may he/she exchange it for a different one or for the cash amount.
La recogida del premio será preferiblemente en la tienda FLAMENTEX: C/ Imprenta, 11. P. I. La Negrilla. CP: 41016 (Sevilla – España), de no poderse desplazar la persona ganadora deberá notificarlo al correo de
El premio de la promoción consistirá en 50€ en tejido (precio de venta al público con impuestos incluidos), que el ganador podrá escoger entre los tejidos en stock de la tienda. Este no incluirá ningún gasto de envío ni gastos extra derivados del mismo.
The winner will be chosen from among those who meet all the requirements by means of a random computer application. For more information on this application, please consult here..
La comunicación del ganador se hará mediante un story de Instagram en la red de la marca FLAMENTEX, el día 16 de octubre del 2020. Una vez realizada la comunicación, el ganador deberá ponerse en contacto con nosotros a través de un mensaje privado por la red Instagram. El plazo para reclamar el premio es de 15 días, si no se presentara el sorteo quedará desierto.
The winner authorizes, by the simple fact of participating, the use of his/her name in said publication.
RAVIAL, S.A. is exonerated of all responsibility in case of any situation that may prevent the normal development of the draw for outside causes and especially for external acts of bad faith. Nor will they be responsible for data transmission or data loss problems.
It will be considered, by way of example, but not limitation, as abuse or fraud if a participant identifies himself using a false identity or third party identities without his consent.
The verification of any of these circumstances during the draw will entail automatic disqualification and the prohibition of participating in the draw, as well as the loss of the prize if it has been granted in your case.
In addition, RAVIAL, S.A. is also exempt from any responsibility in the event that there is an error in the data provided by the participants themselves that would prevent their identification.
RAVIAL, S.A. reserves the right to disqualify those who are misusing the raffle, carry out fraudulent acts or that harm other participants.
In addition, it reserves the right to select an alternative winner in the event that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a participant has violated any of those terms and conditions.